Prizes, Awards and Grants

Prizes 2014

In addition to Young Investigator Awards and Poster Prizes, during the 38th ETA annual meeting in Santiago the ETA will assign the following prizes: the ETA Merck Serono Prize, the Aldo Pinchera Lecture Prize, the Lissitzky Award and the Jack Robbins Prize. The rules for nomination of these prizes can be found on the ETA website: (About the ETA/Prizes).Awardees will be selected by the Executive Committee during the Spring 2014 business meeting.

Nominations, fulfilling all formal requirements, should be sent via e-mail by March 31st, 2014 to the Secretary of the ETA Prof. Dr. Colin Dayan:


Travel Awards and Grants

Please submit your application before 30th June together with a copy of your confirmation letter of abstract acceptance
- to the ETA Secretary, Prof. Dr. Colin Dayan,
- to the Standing Office,