Galicia is situated at the northwest corner of Spain and belongs to the so-called Green Spain, very different from the typical tourist areas in the south and east of the country.
Whilst a part of the mainland, Galicia is an autonomous community with a cultural heritage, climate and geography that are distinct from the rest of Spain.
Landscapes are impressive and varied; hills and bays, long beaches, valleys and rivers, mountains and sea cliffs. Galicia's coast contains some of the most wild and beautiful beaches to be found in Europe.
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Their clean and clear, but cool waters, golden sands, coupled with the more temperate climate of the region, attracts many tourists from the warmer and tourist crowded regions of Spain and abroad to it's shores and it's green and lush country side.
'Ria' is the Galician word for a coastal estuary, or long narrow tidal inlet. Galicia is famous for seafood, particularly shellfish, the unique flavour of which results from the out flowing rivers that create these rias. It is claimed that the cockles, mussels, oysters, octopus and squid have a taste that is unrivalled.